Blog Post

Date posted: May 10th, 2024

Week 6 of Spring 2024, Friday.

Welcome back to my blog! I'm actually a little worried right now since I'm getting a little complacent in my ability to survive this quarter. Usually I started homework always a week early, but now I start 5 hours before the deadline, which isn't recommended for math homework. Already faced some consequences with the MAE288A homework, but I still finished though! I've been playing a little too much League, and my productive time at school has declined. Every time I try to work, my time ends up funnelling into watching League/Valorant clips. Maybe I will block YouTube on my laptop, but I would have to figure that out. I think that next week, I have to get myself back into shape and probably cut League for the next two weeks.

Things to do:

  • ECE171A: Finish homework

  • ECE276B Project 2

  • MATH140C: Analysis homework + midterm prep

  • MATH144: Fourier Analysis homework + midterm prep

  • MATH294: Review notes

  • MAE288A: Start homework early!!!

  • DSC291: Talk to prof + work on presentation with M.B.

  • DRP: work on project

  • Graduation: talk to advisor

Cool things I'm learning this week:

  • MATH140C: MEASURE THEORY (finally)

  • MATH144: Proving why maximal area is attained by a circle given a fixed length Jordan curve

  • MATH294: Brownian motion and stochastic integrals


  • I might be enrolling in my eighth class after my course request goes through for DSC 291. Nothing happened yet, but registrar will add it soon.

  • Had 4 Celsius (800mg of caffeine) in the span of 36 hours!!

  • Dumbbell shoulder-pressed 110, but then proceeded on a 4 day gym hiatus due to work (League of Legends).

  • I am running a half-marathon next week. I will post about that as well.

  • My petitions to not take ECE25, PHYS2C, CHEM6A went through!!! BIG W. Hopefully the same follows with ECE15 and ECE17. They're really letting me get away with this.


Now that this went through, I think that I can graduate by the end of August 2024. My graduation alleviates the pain of taking lower division requirements in Fall 2024. This means that my coursework will probably look like this:

  • MATH216A: Mathematical Methods in Data Science (interest)

  • MATH240A: Real Analysis (for interest + mathematical foundation)

  • ECE271A: Statisical Learning (masters degree requirement)

And I literally have nothing else. Also note that I will be a graduate student by the fall 2024 quarter. This means that tutor pay is around 40 per hour. My goal here is to TA at least 20-30 hours a week, and this is definitely doable. However, when I apply to course staff jobs right now, I will be applying as an undergraduate tutor. This is some logistical garbage that needs to be dealt with. I'm going to have to find a workaround to this since ECE dept doesn't like to funnel hours into one person. Otherwise, it'll probably be ECE5, ECE109, ECE196. I hope that I can be a ECE250 TA, but idk yet. I guess that's another email I have to send. If I get everything figured out, I'll probably audit CSE101, MATH158, MATH200.

Life became an endless stream of homework. Every single day is a deadline. I'm starting to think that this wasn't a good idea, but then what else would I be doing if I didn't have work? That was a rhetorical question, and the answer is League of Legends. Although I feel a little soulless, I continue to live with purpose. I guess this is fine. I can't wait for this quarter to be over. I have 4 more weeks of hell.

Anyways, here's a quote that I thought about this week:

“Nothing easy is worth doing.” - Piya Pal