
This is where I post the solutions for the self-studying I'm doing (so I stay accountable) + other notes. Disclaimer: I don't know if any of my answers are correct.

  • MATH 190A: Foundations of Topology I
    Topology foundations so I can take differential geometry in Fall 2025 (Professor Dragos Oprea said so).
    Using course notes and homeworks from Professor Steven Sam's MATH 190A from Fall 2022

  • Curves and Surfaces by Manfredo P Do Carmo
    Recommended by Professor Luca Spolaor to get started on differential geometry.

  • COSMOS Cluster 5 Lab Notes
    Reference notes for highschool STEM program in photonics.

  • UCSD Computer Engineering Degree Guide
    UCSD changed their computer engineering degree requirements, and it is WAY TOO LOOSE.